dentate gyrus
Acronym: DNG
The term dentate gyrus refers to a composite substructure of the functionally defined hippocampal complex of archicortex in the human ( Insausti-2012 ), macaque ( Paxinos-2009a ). rat ( Swanson-2004 ) and mouse ( Hof-2000 ). Topologically in primates, it has two parts: the fascia dentata and the hilus of the dentate gyrus ( Carpenter-1983 ).
      The other two components of the hippocampal complex are the CA fields and the subiculum ( Squire-2004 ). In the human and macaque the CA fields and subiculum curve laterally and ventrally around the DNG. In the rat and mouse they half-encircle the interbrain of the upper brainstem topologically. Histologically they are bounded dorsally by the fasciola cinerea and ventrally by the subiculum ( Swanson-2004 ). Updated 31 May 2024.

Also known as: area dentata, Gyrus dentatusNeuroNames ID : 179

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